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RBC 2019 Clinics

March 19, 2019 11:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The riding season is approaching and the club clinics are ready. This year will see some changes and retain some similarities too. The same cast of characters will lead the clinics with one possible exception.

Our venue has moved to Penfield, their Recreational Center on Baird Rd has offered to host our clinics and also handle the registration process. Only the Spring dates are listed and available for registration for now, later dates will be added soon.

The schedule is posted on the club’s website at:

The Penfield Recreational Center’s website at:

Go to their Educational page and enter search words “bike club” to bring up the clinic offers. Each clinic requires an attendee registration. Only the Flat Tire and the Safety Classes have a class limit. This is shared between the club membership and the general public. I suggest sign-ing up early to insure attendance for these two clinics.

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