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Membership benefits

Riding with a Group
Enjoy riding with others who share your interest in cycling. Meet new friends. Improve your cycling skills by riding with more experienced riders. Collectively, we have a wealth of cycling information that you will pick up just by riding with us! Discover new places to ride and explore. Distinguish practical vs hype about equipment and gear. Understand what matters for different kinds of riding (road, trail, commute, touring, etc.). We have good stuff for everyone!

Health and Fitness
Cycling is a great aerobic exercise and is easy on our joints (low-impact/non-weight bearing). The more you ride, the fitter you get. Longer distance, moderate intensity cycling is particularly effective at burning calories.

Hundreds of Scheduled Rides
Weekend rides are scheduled April through October and weekday evening rides run all summer long. Rides can be added year round whenever weather is good. During peak season, many rides are also held during weekdays, which is great for retirees but also for anyone who wants to take a day off now and then. Members can find our ride calendar on the website or RBC Meetup.

Access to Hundreds to Routes

Routes vary from less than 10 miles to 100 miles (or more). There are plenty of flatter riding areas close to Lake Ontario, but the glaciers left us challenging climbs in the south. Our ride contributors have linked the best, low-traffic roads to create spectacularly beautiful and enjoyable rides. In between are many combinations of short/medium/long, flat/moderate/hilly rides, truly something for everyone! Our ride maps are digitally drawn and illustrated PDF documents, along with cue sheets and gpx files.

Ride with GPS Club Account
Members have access to a RideWithGPS club account for RBC's routes and those shared by RBC members. Among other features, this provides visual/audible turn-by-turn directions for our routes right from your smartphone! GPX/TCX files are also available fo
r Garmin and other GPS/fitness devices

Clinics and Safety Classes
Members can attend clinics on topics such as basic bike maintenance and repair, how to fix a flat, and cycling safety courses. Details can be found on our website.

Bike Cases for Travel
The RBC owns several hard shell bike travel cases that members can borrow  (deposit required).

Bike Shop Discounts
Rochester has great bike shops and most offer RBC members discounts on bikes, clothing, parts, service, and accessories. Show your RBC membership card at checkout to save. Savings from discounts can pay for your membership! If you ride a bike, it PAYS to be a member and it PAYS to support your LOCAL bike shops! (2024 Bike shop Discounts)

RBC is a member of the League of American Bicyclists (LAB), and purchases insurance coverage through them. As a result, our members are protected when leading or participating in club rides.

Legal Advice
The club retains a lawyer who is available to club members for one free consultation  for advice regarding a bike related incident.

Member Forum and Classified Ads
The Member Forum enables online discussion of anything cycling related. Members can also place cycling related classified ads.

Club Newsletter
RBC produces the Flower City Cyclist newsletter 4 issues each year. Members receive an email with a link to the latest issue. Members are encouraged to submit articles, and event information.

Website Members-Only Area
Members have access to the private area of the RBC website. This is where you find our extensive map collection, the Member Directory, and Club documents.

Spring Awards Banquet
We kick off the riding season with a short ride followed by a dish-to-pass banquet and awards presentation. Awards cover riding accomplishments as well as fun ones for those humorous moments that pop up throughout the season.

Andrew Spiller Memorial Challenge Ride & Picnic
Each summer we organize a picnic at a park shelter, and set up routes so members can ride, eat, and socialize all day long.

Autumn Banquet and Volunteer Recognition
This special catered dinner invites *all* members to come and celebrate the past riding season together. In addition, we recognize all those who volunteered (i.e., leading rides, writing articles, representing club at events, etc.). Volunteers attend for free.

Fall Elections Gathering
This is mostly a social gathering, but is also the one and only RBC general membership business meeting each year. The officers for the coming season are elected.

Winter Multimedia Show
Here is the chance to share your bike trip adventures with others or sit back and enjoy the show. Come join us for several travelogues and start dreaming about YOUR next big bike adventure!

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